Product transfer

Product transfer process and rates

Our Product Transfer mortgage product is a ‘no fuss’ option for your existing Pepper Money customers who just want a new fixed rate on their current terms.

If you have a client with a Pepper Money mortgage coming to the end of their initial rate that meets our criteria, you can apply for a Product Transfer.

Early Apply

They can apply up to 3 months before the current initial rate ends

Simple Process

with no affordability or credit checks or need to refresh their employment or income information

Fee Free – no product fees

No need for a new valuation of their property or any legal fees

Initial Product Rate Reversion Rate
3 Year Fix 7.19% 8.95%
5 Year Fix 7.04% 8.95%
Product rates effective from 15/11/2024
Client with a Pepper Mortgage?

Do you have a client with a Pepper Money mortgage coming to the end of their initial rate? If they meet our criteria you can apply for a Product Transfer for them.

Product transfer criteria

Your customer must meet the following criteria to be eligible for a Product Transfer:

  • Have an active First Charge Pepper Money mortgage
  • Not currently in arrears with their Pepper Money mortgage
  • They have not missed a payment on their Pepper Money mortgage in the past 12 months
  • They have more than 3 years and 1 month remaining on their Pepper Money mortgage term
  • Their mortgage’s initial rate term will expire in the next 3 months or has already expired
  • They do not currently have any temporary forebearance or loan modifications, such as a change to Interest Only, on their mortgage
  • Pepper Money will use the valuation conducted by our surveyor at the start of this mortgage contract, Pepper Money will not revalue the Security for the purposes of this Product Transfer
Pepper Money Brokers

Need help with your mortgage case?

To discuss a case, or find out more about our products, call our experienced team. Ready to submit? Log into the application portal to get started, or register if it’s your first case with Pepper Money.